Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I'm in the People Business

I have been SO busy lately! I know you all are surprised by this announcement. :)

Recently, I began working as the Social Media Blogger/Writer for a local health insurance brokerage firm, Custom Health Plans (check out the blog!). In addition to working on my PhD, raising two young children, and now this job; I am hoping to begin promoting myself as a professional blogger/writer and communicator.

Why? you may ask...

Why not? is my reply. :)

I realize that time is limited, but we have amazing vehicles of mass communication through the use of social media and online technologies.

Recently, I have felt the restraints of time and responsibilities impeding my ability to reach my personal, existential goals. Recognizing that my current situation is required for now, I have decided to use the tools at my disposal to try to cast a line into the larger pool of life I intend to reach once my educational pursuits are completed.

So what is my hook?
My hook is: I'm in the People Business!

I care about people. Unfortunately, I am one person who cares for SO many! How can I possibly positively impact and encourage the global community of people in which I feel called to work, live and play?

This is where the tools of social media and online technology come to the rescue!

So what is my bait/lure? What do I uniquely offer the global community?

I have a deep desire to motivate people to experience true community with others; to leave a lasting, meaningful legacy; to promote social justice and equality; and to live an authentic life.

Up until recently, I did not understand how my eclectic background, comprised of theological and psychological education and training; along with my skills in communication (via oral, written, and visual mediums) would eventually compliment each other and lead me down the path so many from my past have predicted I would walk.

With interests in psychology, religion, social media, communication, and online technologies; and passions for music, dancing, socializing, and entertainment; I try to live as a life-long learner, while embracing my love for laughter.

In recent days I have experienced the gifts of grace, trust, and service. I have always tried to be the one who offered these elements of friendship and love to others; never truly receiving it in return. It is amazing how humility and arrogance can sometimes go hand in hand. The arrogance displayed in my desire to help, without being helped, fostered a perception of independence and self-assuredness that I do not have nor can I maintain.

When people describe me, I have heard many descriptors, such as:
Roots for the Underdog

Whether good or bad, these traits are really good when motivating or communicating to a large crowd; but how do these translate in the day to day relationships and communities therein?

This is why I say I am in the PEOPLE business, not the PERSON business. I am not diminishing the importance of the individual, but rather, I am illuninating the importance of the community.

Ultimately, I am only an individual within a global community. But with the use of tools that can either foster or diminish genuine interpersonal communication, I hope to foster a vehicle of communication that will motivate the global community to look outside of themselves, to reach out to those within their grasp, to utilize their inherent uniqueness, to find the proper tools, and to take an active role in a community that is at their fingertips...a community in which your gifts, talent, passions, and interests are needed and valued...a community to which you can give but from which you can also receive...

Too good to be true? Maybe.

But we will never know until we try.

I finally got my hands on the Mother's Day Sermon and the Lord's Supper Sermon I preached at Lakeway Baptist Church over the past couple of years. I will try my best to upload the audio on the blog by the first of the year.

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